WARMAX – Hot Mix Asphalt Additive
WARMAX is a liquid additive used during asphalt production to reduce the viscosity of asphalt mixtures, thereby facilitating application during winter or extending the paving distance during summer by maintaining lower temperatures of the hot mix asphalt during production and compaction. You no longer have to work in smoke! Due to the lower temperature of the hot mix asphalt during production and compaction, WARMAX significantly reduces aerosol and smoke emissions compared to conventional asphalt. It is a product that reduces environmental damage substantially through low odor and gas emissions in urban use, thereby preserving the health and safety of workers.
Application: WARMAX is added to the bitumen tank. Adding 0.2% to 0.4% of WARMAX by weight of bitumen is sufficient. Production temperatures can be lowered by up to 30°C with WARMAX. This reduction achieves a 30% decrease in heat energy consumption and a 10% decrease in electrical energy consumption, resulting in significant savings in energy costs. WARMAX does not affect the penetration of bitumen and does not cause wheel tracking.
Physical and Chemical Properties: